Online Examination vs. Written Examination Preferences by the Department of Technology Teacher Education Students

  • Michael Art R. Napoles Department of Technology Teacher Education, Mindanao State University- Iligan Institute of Technology, Philippines
Keywords: online vs. written exam, student’s preference, exam preferences


This study's primary goal is to determine DTTE students' exam-taking preferences. Hopefully, this research paper will enlighten readers on how written and online exams affect learning. Two (2) groups of students enrolled in Educational Technology Class were used as the study's respondents. Most Educational Technology students who answered the written exam had better grades in this study. Students who answered the online exam questionnaire had higher GPAs. However, students' profiles and academic performance influence their online and written exam preferences. According to the respondents, online testing has many advantages over traditional paper-based testing. It saves money because it eliminates the need for paper and pencil. It also provides instant feedback like scores or grades. Because it is conducted online, it is flexible in timing and location. Reduces human errors in marking because machine marking is more reliable and error less than human marking because they can edit their answer by clicking the edit button. Based on the findings, the following is advised: It is also suggested to conduct a quasi-experimental research design to examine the effectiveness of online examination. It is also recommended to increase the number of respondents to the study to obtain reliable and valid data.

How to Cite
Napoles, M. A. (2023, January 1). Online Examination vs. Written Examination Preferences by the Department of Technology Teacher Education Students. Puissant, 4, 637-654. Retrieved from //

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